Human Resources | Job Openings
Grant School District #3
Licensed Administrative Positions | School Locations
Licensed Certified Teacher | Educator Openings
For more information about teaching as a Substitute in Grant County and/or to obtain an Employment Application,
CLICK HERE: Grant County ESD
Applications for Substitute Teacher are turned in to, and processed by:
Grant Education Service District (Grant ESD) | (541)575-4000
835 S Canyon Blvd Suite: A | John Day, OR 97845-1056
Thank you for your interest in joining our teaching support team in Grant County!
District Openings | Non-Licensed
Volunteers | The Heart of All Communities - thank you!
Complete the above application - DROP OFF or MAIL completed application packets to:
Grant School District No. 3
401 N Canyon City Blvd
Canyon City, OR 97820-6111
Or you can EMAIL application to Jana Young:
Job postings are also available at:
Grant School District No. 3 is a Drug Free Workplace - per policy GBED ( ).
All new hires must pass a drug test.
Grant Union School District No. 3: Does not discriminate in employment, educational programs and activities, on the basis of race, national
origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or associational preference. The District
also affirms commitment to providing equal opportunities and equal access to its facilities. For additional information or assistance contact the
District office at: (541)575-1280, 401 N Canyon City Blvd, Canyon City, OR 97820-6111. For telecommunications relay services for deaf,
hearing or speech impaired individuals, please call 1(800)735-2900